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Deep Learning Training

Red Dragon AI

Deep Learning Trainings

Discover the path to creating AI for your company

Cutting Edge Deep Learning Trainings

Come and learn the techniques, strategies and frameworks that are driving the current state of the art advances in AI.

AI & Deep Learning Courses

Deep Learning Developer Series

Foundations of Deep Learning

Duration: 3 days

Certificate Awarded

Deep Learning Developer Series

Advanced Computer Vision with Deep Learning

Duration: 3 days

Certificate Awarded

Deep Learning Developer Series

Advanced NLP and Sequences

Duration: 3 days

Certificate Awarded

Deep Learning Developer Series

Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning

Duration: 2 days

Certificate Awarded

Deep Learning Developer Series

AI in Production

Duration: 3 days

Certificate Awarded

Deep Learning Developer Series

Deep Learning for Audio

Duration: 2 days

Certificate Awarded

Deep Learning Developer Series

Deep Learning for Structured and Time Series Data

Duration: 2 days

Certificate Awarded

Deep Learning for Mangers Series

Deep Learning for Product Managers

Duration: 3 days

Certificate Awarded

Deep Learning for Graphs

AI for Graphs and Knowledge Base

Duration: 2 days

Certificate Awarded

Upcoming Public Courses

Deep Learning Upcoming Courses

Foundations of Deep Learning

Date: 9th, 10th and 11th of September 2024

Certificate Awarded

Deep Learning Upcoming Courses

Advanced NLP and Sequences

Date: 30th September, 1st and 2nd of October 2024

Certificate Awarded

Deep Learning Upcoming Courses

Advanced Computer Vision with Deep Learning

Date: 6th, 7th and 8th of November 2024

Certificate Awarded

Deep Learning Developer Series

AI in Production

Date: 2nd, 3th and 4th December of 2024

Certificate Awarded

Deep Learning for Mangers Series

Deep Learning for Product Managers

Date: 4th, 5th and 6th February of 2025

Certificate Awarded

Arrange a Training for your AI Team

Come and learn the techniques, strategies and frameworks that are driving the current state of the art advances in AI.

Why Choose Red Dragon AI


Real World Experience

Having developed hundreds of Deep Learning Models for a variety of use case, we know what works in the real world.

Industry Experts

Learn from Google Developer Experts to learn not only the fundamentals but the best practices as well.

Cutting Edge Examples

Learn the latest models, often days after they are published and how to implement them for your use case.

From Research to Production

Learn to go beyond toy examples and implement best practice models trained on full size datasets and then deploy them to production.